Our beautiful white kitten
Who would have thought that our beautiful white kitten could bring so much hope?
In times when we find ourselves in the ‘valleys of life’ and it’s pitch dark around us, and we don’t know if we are coming or going, it helps to just be still and try and remember the events where we undoubtedly experienced God’s hand in our lives.
In these times where our faith is being tested and patience is being produced, we just need to be still and remember what God has done for us in the past.
2My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4 (NKJV)
This might sound harsh, but when I was fighting battles of doubt recently I was searching for evidence that what I believe is true. Evidence that I could really hear God’s voice. When nothing made sense and doubt were overtaking me, I remembered another event where God so clearly came through for me.
In 2013 my son continually complained about stomach ache. Week after week he cried and complained and we went from doctor to doctor and no one could find anything wrong with him.
They did a scan and blood tests and still, nothing showed up. Naturally, I was worried about him and one day while I was praying for him again, I suddenly had a very random thought: “Get your son a kitten”.
The thought came from my gut or what I think was my spirit, not from my mind. And as I ‘heard’ this, I saw in my minds-eye or my imagination, the most beautiful little white kitten with blue eyes.
I thought it very strange and wondered how this possibly relates to his stomach ache. But I was learning to hear the voice of God and said to Him: “Lord, you know I don’t have the finances now to buy a pet. If it is really You speaking to me, bring us this kitten?”
A few days later my daughter phoned me from school and asked if we could please have a kitten, as her friend was giving hers away because her sister was allergic to their new pet.
Immediately I remembered what happened during my quiet time with the Lord a few mornings ago and asked her to send me a picture of the kitten. To my great surprise, there she was. The very same kitten I had seen in a “vision” while praying for my son.
Needless to say, we took her in and she became my son’s new best friend. They went everywhere together and were totally inseparable. The amazing thing about it all was, that just a few weeks later, we realized that since the day he received his new kitten, he had never again complained about stomach ache.
How or why that was, we will probably never know, but what I do know, is that God ‘spoke’ to me and brought the kitten into our lives at exactly the right time and somehow that took away my son’s pain. And He answered my prayer. The God of the Universe heard my prayer and answered me.
Who am I that You are mindful of me, o Lord? It might be a very small thing, but when thick darkness of doubt and fear is all around, I need to remember these little gems that cannot be denied.
Thinking on these things gives me a glimmer of hope again that all is not lost and that somewhere out there, is a God that really cares about me and that has always been there for me.
That is why I write these Blogs. This is my wall of remembrance. We serve a good Father who cares for us more deeply and more intimately than we will ever be able to understand.
I love you so much, Father. Thank you for all that you have done for us. I choose to “stay in the Water“.